LEX mun birta hér öðru hverju fréttir af málefnum stofunnar og starfsmönnum hennar, auk auglýsinga um útgáfu efnis frá LEX
LEX lögmannsstofa leggur áherslu á að viðskiptavinir njóti þjónustu sérhæfðra starfsmanna eftir því sem viðkomandi verkefni kallar á. Slíkt tryggir ekki aðeins fyrsta flokks ráðgjöf handa viðskiptavinum okkar heldur tryggir það einnig að þjónustan sé eins hagkvæm og kostur er. Þá starfa reyndir málflytjendur fyrir dómsstólum landsins á öllum fagsviðum LEX.
LEX metið sem leiðandi fyrirtæki hjá Chambers – Europe
3. apríl, 2023Chambers and Partners hefur metið leiðandi lögmannsstofur í flestum löndum í yfir 20 ár. Nú í mars kom út mat þeirra fyrir Evrópu og er LEX þar metið sem leiðandi fyrirtæki (e. leading firm). Mat Chambers and Partners fyrir Evrópu lýtur að flokkunum Intellectual Property, Corporate/Commercial og Dispute Resolution.
Í febrúar kom út mat þeirra á alþjóðavísu (e. global) fyrir árið 2023 og er LEX þar sömuleiðis metið sem leiðandi fyrirtæki. Mat Chambers and Partners á alþjóðavísu lýtur að flokkunum Corporate/Commercial og Dispute Resolution.
Í flokknum Intellectual Property er teyminu lýst á eftirfarandi hátt:
„LEX Law Offices has an impressive practice with expertise in the full gamut of IP mandates. The department advises on issues relating to copyright infringement as well as patent enforcement. It also has experience in the registration and protection of trade marks and designs. The law firm additionally assists with IT-related matters such as data privacy and licensing agreements.“
Og sérstaklega er fjallað um Erlu S. Árnadóttur
„Erla Árnadóttir has a wealth of experience in trade mark portfolio management, copyright infringement cases and patent enforcement mandates. She also advises clients on IT licensing agreements and data privacy issues.“
Í flokknum „Corporate / Commercial“ er teyminu lýst á eftirfarandi hátt:
„LEX Law Offices boasts a broad corporate and commercial offering, including public M&A and ECM mandates. The law firm also possesses high-level expertise in banking and finance. The lawyers additionally assist with the compliance and regulatory aspects of transactions.“
Og sérstaklega er fjallað um Guðmund Ingva Sigurðsson, Ólaf Haraldsson og Garðar Víði Gunnarsson
„Guðmundur Ingvi Sigurðsson advises on a variety of cross-border mandates, including M&A, restructurings and refinancings. He enters the top tier of the rankings after considerable recognition of his strong practice.“
„Ólafur Haraldsson has a broad practice including refinancing and restructuring mandates, as well as corporate transactions.“
„New to the rankings, the up-and-coming Garðar Víðir Gunnarsson is a well-regarded lawyer who is active in high-value mergers, company set-ups and financing mandates.“
Í flokknum Dispute resolution er teyminu lýst á eftirfarandi hátt
„LEX Law Offices has a noteworthy team handling a comprehensive range of contentious matters, including competition, employment, human rights and white-collar crime cases. The law firm is experienced acting on both litigation and arbitration proceedings. The lawyers represent state entities, private companies and high-profile individuals.“
Og sérstaklega fjallað um Arnar Þór Stefánsson og Kristínu Edwald
„Arnar Þór Stefánsson handles a variety of disputes, from commercial litigation and white-collar crime matters to administrative and public law cases. He also has experience in mandates with cross-border elements. He progresses to Band 2 following noteworthy feedback.“
„Kristín Edwald possesses a broad dispute resolution practice, with experience in cases involving insurance, human rights and criminal law. She also has a varied client roster, acting for private companies, state entities and high-profile individuals.“