
LEX will periodically publish news regarding the firm and its attorneys as well as notifications regarding published material from LEX.



The large number of practicing lawyers at LEX means that the firm is able to provide services from specialists in the field each time.
LEX law offices offers litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution services in every major field of Icelandic law.

IP Stars 2024

24. June, 2024

Erla S. Árnadóttir and Lára Herborg Ólafsdóttir, partners at LEX Law Offices, recently received recognition as IP STARS from the global analysis firm Managing IP for the year 2024.

Erla S. is awarded as Trade mark star 2024 as well as now being on the list for Top 250 Women in IP 2024.

Lára Herborg is awarded as Copyright star 2024.

We sincerely congratulate Erla and Lára on their success and we are proud of our IP and Technology team at LEX.

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