LEX will periodically publish news regarding the firm and its attorneys as well as notifications regarding published material from LEX.
The large number of practicing lawyers at LEX means that the firm is able to provide services from specialists in the field each time.
LEX law offices offers litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution services in every major field of Icelandic law.
Intellectual Property in Virtual Reality
17. January, 2023María Kristjánsdóttir, attorney at LEX Law Offices and Managing Director of GH Sigurgeirsson IP recently published an online article in Tölvumál – Skýrslutæknifélag Íslands‘s magazine where she reviews the main issues related to intellectual property rights and the metaverse. Intellectual property rights are often among the most valuable assets of companies, and it is as important to take measures to ensure its protection and prevent infringement by third parties in virtual reality as it is in the real world.
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