LEX will periodically publish news regarding the firm and its attorneys as well as notifications regarding published material from LEX.
The large number of practicing lawyers at LEX means that the firm is able to provide services from specialists in the field each time.
LEX law offices offers litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution services in every major field of Icelandic law.
LEX Law Offices IP practice top ranked by the WTR
7. February, 2024Erla S. Árnadóttir, partner at LEX and María Kristjánsdóttir, attorney at LEX and partner and Managing Director of GH Sigurgeirsson, IP boutique and subsidiary of LEX Law Offices are praised for their work in the field of trademark law in the 2024 edition of the World Trademark Review (WTR 1000).

LEX is top ranked:
“In-depth knowledge of trademark law, effective negotiation skills, an attentive approach and a commitment to finding practical solutions” are the hallmarks of the services provided by LEX. The full-service practice maintains its position as the go-to firm for IP and IT law expertise in the country, and at the forefront are Erla S. Árnadóttir and Maria Kristjansdottir. Bringing more than 35 years of fine-grained IP knowledge to the table, Árnadóttir is one of the most revered individuals in the local IP landscape, and Kristjánsdóttir continues to establish herself as a favoured practitioner for strategic expertise.”