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LEX law offices offers litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution services in every major field of Icelandic law.
District Court of South Iceland rendered a judgment where Eyrarbúið ehf. was ordered to pay Plús film ehf
13. April, 2021Last week the District Court of South Iceland rendered a judgment where Eyrarbúið ehf. was ordered to pay Plús film ehf. ISK 20.166.583 as well as penalty interest and legal costs. The dispute arose in relation to a documentary film, Eyjafjallajökull Erupts, that a company owned by the filmmaker Sveinn M. Sveinsson produced in co-operation with the defendant, observing the life at the farm Þorvaldeyri during and after the volcanic eruption in Eyjafjallajökull in 2010. The defendant showed the documentary for several years for a very large number of visitors in a guest room at the farm Þorvaldeyri, close to the volcano. The film was also distributed on DVD disks produced by the plaintiff and sold at the guest room. The court did not accept the arguments of the defendant that he alone held all copyrights to the film and ordered the defendant to pay to the plaintiff 50% of the profits deriving from this exploitation of the film during the last years of exploitation. Erla S. Árnadóttir proceeded the case for the plaintiff.
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