LEX mun birta hér öðru hverju fréttir af málefnum stofunnar og starfsmönnum hennar, auk auglýsinga um útgáfu efnis frá LEX
LEX lögmannsstofa leggur áherslu á að viðskiptavinir njóti þjónustu sérhæfðra starfsmanna eftir því sem viðkomandi verkefni kallar á. Slíkt tryggir ekki aðeins fyrsta flokks ráðgjöf handa viðskiptavinum okkar heldur tryggir það einnig að þjónustan sé eins hagkvæm og kostur er. Þá starfa reyndir málflytjendur fyrir dómsstólum landsins á öllum fagsviðum LEX.
Oskar Sigurdsson joins LEX
8. desember, 2016Óskar Sigurðsson Supreme Court Attorney and Adjunct at the Faculty of Law of the University of Iceland has joined the LEX Law Firm. In recent years, Mr. Sigurdsson has run JP lawyers in partnership with others, but he acquired JP lawyers in full earlier this year. Agreements have now been reached on the merger of JP lawyer and LEX.
Mr. Sigurdsson’s main specialty is property rights, contract law, construction and construction matters and matters relating to the purchase and sale of real estate, but he has been a well-known attorney for many years.
Mr. Sigurdsson was born in 1972 and completed law degree from the Faculty of Law, of the University of Iceland in 1997. He was appointed a Supreme Court Attorney in 2005.
He has taught property and claims law at the University of Iceland since 1998.
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